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Click here to download the new group exercise schedule effective May 1st, 2024.


Kettle Bell Crunch

Studio A

This multidimensional exercise class will be using dumbbells and bodyweight to burn fat, build and tone muscle, increase flexibility and range of motion, and boost your aerobic endurance. Get ready […]


Rise & Shine Yoga

Ease yourself awake with gentle movements. Meditation in motion with classic sun salutations, postures to increase life force energy, flexibility, and strength. Create an upbeat morning routine that sets you […]


Pop Yoga

POP YOGA is a pre-sequenced yoga class with a killer soundtrack to motivate and inspire your moves. POP YOGA is a workout for the body, mind and soul.



Fall prevention exercises designed for people who are unsteady on their feet, are worried about falling or have had a fall. This class focus is on the exercises to improve […]

(5:45pm) Aqualates

Fun challenging and low impact “water Pilates” will strengthen the back and abdominal muscles. Using body-toning choreography to strengthen the core, help coordination, mobility, endurance, and balance.


Namaste Yoga

Namaste,” translates as “the light in me bows to the light in you.” This Hatha style yoga class aims to balance these two energies. This class will typically involve a set […]


Tai Chi

Learn the basis of tai chi to improve posture, reduce stress and understand the mind-body connection. All levels welcome.


Namaste Yoga

Namaste,” translates as “the light in me bows to the light in you.” This Hatha style yoga class aims to balance these two energies. This class will typically involve a set […]


Intermediate Tai Chi

Fitness Studio FL

Take your skills to the next level with new concepts introduced to progress to a deeper and more internal understanding and practice.

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