Home Studio B
Click here to download the new group exercise schedule effective May 1st, 2024.


Tai Chi

Studio B

Learn the basis of tai chi to improve posture, reduce stress and understand the mind-body connection.


Strength & Conditioning

Studio B

Designed to increase physical strength through weight-bearing and resistance exercises as well as endurance of skeletal muscles.



Studio B

This dance class features high- and low-intensity intervals that help improve cardiovascular fitness while also enhancing balance, coordination, agility, and to some degree, strength through the application of beginner-accessible choreography.


Tai Chi

Studio B

Learn the basics of Tai Chi to improve posture, reduce stress and understand the mind-body connection.



Studio B

Combine strength and cardiovascular exercises to work the entire body. Some exercises performed back to back with minimal rest in Circuit.


Yin Yoga

Studio B

A slow-paced asanas (postures) practice, supportive stretching style using props to release tension. Poses are held for longer periods of time than in other, stretch connective tissues and relax the entire body.


Tai Chi

Studio B

Learn the basis of tai chi to improve posture, reduce stress and understand the mind-body connection.


Mat Pilates

Studio B

Breathe work to engage the core, back and supporting muscles to build full-body flexibility and strength.

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