Program Outline
Day 1
- Group discussion and outline of program: How were you introduced to yoga? What does yoga mean to you? What do you hope to get out of this program?
- Yoga performed during this workshop: Vinyasa yoga, Hatha yoga, Iyengar yoga, Ashtanga yoga, Yin yoga, and Restorative yoga.
- Key asanas
- Standing (Vin/Hatha): Mountain, Forward Fold, Halfway Lift, Crescent Lunge, Downward Dog
- Floor: Easy Seat, Cat-cow, Childs, Upward Facing Dog, Cobra
- Breathwork practices: Ujjayi
Day 2
- Group discussion: Favorite pose from day prior and why?
- Key asanas
- Standing(Vin/Hatha): Warrior 1,2,3, Reverse Warrior, Triangle, Side Angle
- Floor: Malasana, Lizard, Butterfly, Forward Bend, Happy Baby, Knee to Chest,
- Breathwork practices: Kapalabhati, also known as breath of fire
- 30-minute class
Day 3
- Group discussion: Question and answer session
- Key asanas
- Floor (Yin/Restorative): Pigeon, Banana, Legs up the Wall, Seated Twist, Bridge, Savasana
- Breath work practices: 3-part breath; Alternate nostril
- 30-minute class
Day 4
- Group discussion: Wrap-up comments, putting it all together.
- 45-minute class
For more information or to register, please call (407) 644-3606 or visit the Member Services Desk.